Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a member?

Return this Membership Form addressed to the PTO mailbox in the NAIS school office with a check for $1.

How do I volunteer?

  • Make sure your clearances are current (Clearances expire after 3 years).
  • Sign up genius links can be found on Facebook PTO page.
  • Email the Volunteer Chair for more information on a specific event.

How do I get clearances?

Some information about clearances can be found here, but the school website has all the documents you need for clearances here.

How do I know if my clearances are current?

To check on the status call the school district office at (610) 759-1170 and they will be able to look up your records. Or email alangen@nazarethasd.org 

I can’t make the event I volunteered for! Who do I call?

Even if it’s last minute, call the Event Chairperson as soon as possible so they can use that information to adjust their staffing. 

I can’t find volunteers for my event, what can I do?

Please email the Volunteer Chair for assistance.

I missed the PTO meeting, where can I find the minutes?

Meeting minutes are posted here.  For questions on the meeting notes, please contact the PTO Secretary.  Minutes are not official and are subject to change until voted on at the next PTO Meeting. 

How can I help with fundraising?

You can help fund the events by participation in the items students are selling on the behalf of the PTO and through passive fundraising like Amazon Smile. More information can be found here

Who are the current PTO officers and committee chairs?

This information is updated at the beginning of the school year here 

I want to nominate someone for a Volunteer of the Month award!

Great! Thanks for noticing the hard work and enthusiasm. You find the form here and submit to the PTO mailbox in the school office. 

How can I get my event expense reimbursed?

Clear purchase with an officer  before purchasing. Expenses cannot be paid without documentation. Please use this form and submit to PTO Treasurer.

NAIS PTO Reimbursement Request Form

How do I submit event/fundraiser proceeds?

Use this form and return funds to the event chair, PTO Treasurer or school office. DO NOT mail cash. If needed, please use a check.


Where can I find the PTO bylaws?
